Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Help Me: Take this short survey so I can learn what you want in this blog

Thank you to everyone who is reading my blog. I've been monitoring the analytics and the readership is growing every day. It's exciting, and I appreciate everyone who stops by.

I'd like to get an idea from you about what it is you would like most to see at the blog, so I've put together a very short survey (it's like only 3 questions) and I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to fill it out. I'll share the responses I get in an upcoming blog if you are interested in what everyone said.

So here goes, my first ever survey at the What Makes Them Click? blog! And thanks in advance for taking the survey.

Click Here to take survey


Basem said...

Hi Susan,

In fact, all the 9 topics included in the survey to select from, are ALL REALLY of so interest. Remember, what bring me here to your wonderful blog -and I think most of blog visitors- is your great book. So, I think that everyone that had read the book is interesting in all the 9 subjects. But this may exhaust you and will takes too much time from you.

I suggest considering re-designing the survey so users can check their topic's priorities on a scale from 1 to 9.

This may help dedicating your efforts on important topics and also considering other less important (according to user ratings).

REMEMBER, I believe all are important and deserve covering in the blog.

Thank you very much.


Susan Weinschenk said...

Thanks Basem for your feedback. I like the idea of having people rank from 1 to 9. I will try that next time!